www.lietz.com Rudolf Lietz, Inc July 10, 2014
RLI Participates in Campus Job Fairs
RUDOLF LIETZ, INC. has partnered with various prestigious educational institutions as part of its efforts to extend job opportunities in the company to students and graduates who are looking for jobs that would allow them to practice what they have learned in the academe to the workplace. This also serves as a means to engage the academic

community and to spread awareness about the Trading industry and the role it plays in the world of business.

RLI has joined career fairs in schools such as the University of the Philippines in Diliman and Los Baños, Mapua Institute of Technology, University of Sto. Tomas, De La Salle University, and National College of Business and Arts, among others. Some of RLI’s employees are products of the company’s participation in these career fairs.
Currently, Rudolf Lietz, Inc. has an on-going partnership with the Asian Institute of Management for internship opportunities.